Men's Standard Cup Matches
Men’s Standard Cup Matches
Date: Sunday, October 6th
Time: 8:00 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Qualifier only
Qualifying Dates: TBA
Fee: $60 (Your fee will cover a lunch and a team shirt) Carts are not included.
Description: This event will pair two teams comprised of 12 players. Each team will have a Gold team and a Black team that will compete with no handicap from those respective tees. The event will be a one day 27 hole match play event. The Captains will decide which 6 players will play from the Black or Gold tees. The teams will be comprised of the low 18 players from the handicap list as of August 16th, and qualifiers that will compete for the low six gross scores from the black tees on the days listed. You can attempt to qualify as many of the days as you like. New this year we have added a draw party a week prior to the event to reveal the tournament pairings.