8:00 AM08:00

Men's Standard Cup Matches

Men’s Standard Cup Matches

 Date:                           Sunday, October 6th

Time:                           8:00 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Qualifier only

Qualifying Dates:       TBA

Fee:                              $60 (Your fee will cover a lunch and a team shirt) Carts are not included.

Description:                This event will pair two teams comprised of 12 players. Each team will have a Gold team and a Black team that will compete with no handicap from those respective tees. The event will be a one day 27 hole match play event. The Captains will decide which 6 players will play from the Black or Gold tees. The teams will be comprised of the low 18 players from the handicap list as of August 16th, and qualifiers that will compete for the low six gross scores from the black tees on the days listed. You can attempt to qualify as many of the days as you like. New this year we have added a draw party a week prior to the event to reveal the tournament pairings.


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8:00 AM08:00

Men's Closing Day Event

Men’s Closing Day   

Date:                            Sunday, September 15th

Time:                           8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Friday, September 13

Fee:                              $10 Per Player Includes Continental Breakfast and Prizes (Cart Fee not included)

Description:                Make your own foursome.  Mystery Format

Tournament Portal GGID Password: DBQSGM

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9:30 AM09:30

Ladies Closing Day Event

Ladies Closing Day Event       

Date:                            Wednesday, September 11th

Time:                           9:30 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Sunday, September 8th

Fee:                              Must be a Ladies HTF Member

Description:                Make your own foursome.  Mystery Format

Tournament Portal GGID Password: PXRHEF

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to Aug 25

Men's Club Championship

Men’s Club Championship             

Date:                            Saturday, August 24th & Sunday, August 25th

Time:                           Tee Times starting at 8:00 AM

Entry Deadline:          Thursday, August 22th  

Fee:                              No Charge

Description:                Flights are determined by dividing the entire field into four equal flights. This year all flight champions including the Championship flight will be determined by a two round stroke play total gross score. You must indicate at the time of sign up your interest in playing in the Championship Flight. Players with a handicap index of ? or lower are required to play in the Championship Flight.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: ENWDRP

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to Aug 9

Ladies' District Golf Association Match Play Championship

Ladies District Golf Association Match Play Championship

Date:                            Tuesday-Friday, August 6-9

Description: The golf course will open for member play immediately following the qualifying round on Tuesday and match play round on Wednesday in the late afternoon. It will gradually open earlier as the match play tournament narrows down on Thursday and Friday.

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to Jul 28

Men's Member-Member

Men’s Member-Member    

Date:                            Saturday-Sunday, July 27th & 28th

Time:                           8:30 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Thursday, July 25th 

Fee:                              $30 Per Player Includes Continental breakfast both days and prizes. (Cart not included)

Description:                Groups are paired based on combined handicap index on Day One, and then paired based on the Day One standings for Day Two.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: KHRGHA

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to Jun 22

Men's Member/Guest - New Shootout Format

Men’s Member/Guest – NEW SHOOTOUT FORMAT     

Date:                            Friday-Saturday, June 21st – 22nd

Time:                           Friday - Practice Round make your own tee time Saturday - 9:00 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Sunday, June 9th

Fee:                              $200 per team

Description:                There will be six (6) flights that will play 3 different formats of Scramble, Chapman Alternate Shot, and 1 Best Net of 2. There will be a six (6) way shoot-out immediately following play to determine the overall winner. There will be a Bloody Mary bar to start the morning off with lunch following the first 9 hole round. Immediately following the shoot-out there will be a player’s dinner party in the clubhouse.  

Tournament Portal GGID Password: ARUSNA

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4:00 PM16:00

Father's Day Scramble

Father’s Day Scramble

Date:                            Sunday, June 16th

Time:                           4:00 PM Shotgun

Entry Deadline:          Friday, June 14th

Fee:                              $5.00 Per Player

Description:                Two-Person 9 Hole Scramble with all Father-Son/Father-Daughter pairs.  Multiple siblings allowed, and Fathers will play a ball with each sibling.  A Standard member must be on every team. Guest fees are waived for this event, but you must take a golf cart.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: WRHKCV

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to Aug 13

Tuesday Night Two-Man Match Play

2019 Tuesday Night Two-Man Match Play Round Robin League

Deadline: Teams must sign up by 7:00 pm, Tuesday, April 30th by using the tournament portal below or calling the golf shop at 425-1141.

Format:       Singles Match Play 100% of your front nine handicap stroked off the low player per match


  • Team 1 Player A vs Team 2 Player A = 1 point

  • Team 1 Player B vs Team 2 Player B = 1 point

  • If one team sweeps both matches they receive a bonus = 1 point

  • Total max points available per night = 3

The team with the highest point total at the completion of the round robin tournament will be declared the winner. If there is a tie for first there will be a straight alternate shot shootout to determine the winner.  Head to head match results will determine ties for second and third place.

Teams:       Teams will be comprised of a 3-man roster. The team must use 2 of the 3 men each week. Each team will be allowed 1 substitute player to participate in 2 of their matches during the season.

Tees:              Players will play from the Black tees. Players 60-69 may play the Red tees and Seniors 70 and over have the option of playing from the Silver tees with a handicap reduction in accordance with the USGA.

Time:              Tuesday, 6:00pm Shotgun Start – Opening Night, May 7 – Closing Night, August 13(This would allow for 15 matches or less depending on the number of teams that sign up. This allows for 2 ½ hours of daylight.)

Entry Fee:       $120 per team – Includes shop credit for the winners and a year-end player’s cookout.  


  • It is the responsibility of the teams to notify the golf shop which players will be representing their team by Sunday evening.

  • If a player is late to the tee he will lose each hole once his opponent has left the teeing area of the hole in question.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: AWRTWQ

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to Sep 12

Men's Guest Days

Men’s Guest Day

Date:                            Friday, April 26th

Thursday, May 16th

Thursday, July 18th

Friday, August 16th

Thursday, September 12th

Entry Deadline:          You may make tee times by calling one week in advance.

Description:                This day gives our members a chance to bring up to three guests to enjoy a day of golf for an 18 hole cart fee.   

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6:00 PM18:00

Ladies' Spring Clinic Series

Ladies’ Spring Clinic Series

Date:                            Thursday Evenings April 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, and May 23

Time:                           6:00pm – 7pm

Entry Deadline:          Call the golf shop or log into the clinic portal below by 11:00am the day of the clinic

Fee:                              $15.00 Per Player

Description:                This is a terrific opportunity to get tuned up for the golf season. We will go over the fundamentals of putting, chipping, pitching, irons, and driver.

Clinic Portal GGID Password: CXNUAY

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to Oct 5

Men's President's Cup

Men’s President’s Cup        

Entry Deadline:          Sunday, April 21st 

Fee:                              HTF Eligible

Description:                This is a yearlong individual match play tournament using 100% of your handicap. The handicaps used will be your lowest handicap since April 21st.   The defending champion will receive the #1 seed. The remaining seeds will be determined by a blind draw.   

Match Deadlines:       1st Match due on or before Friday, May 24

                                      2nd Match due on or before Friday, June 21

                                      3rd Match due on or before Friday, July 26

                                      4th Match due on or before Friday, Aug. 16

                                      5th Match due on or before Friday, Sept. 6

                                      Final Match due on or before Friday, Oct. 5

Tournament Portal GGID Password: MAUMCC

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to Oct 5

Two-Man Match Play Championship

Two-Man Match Play Championship                                                                                                               

Entry Deadline:          Sunday, April 21st

Fee:                             HTF Eligible

Description:                The seeding for the two-man match play tournament will be done by computer draw. The format for this event is Four-Ball (Best Ball of the twosome), using 90% of the handicap.  You will play off the low handicap in your foursome.  The handicaps used will be your lowest handicap since April 21st.  Seniors will be allowed to play from the silver tee with the appropriate handicap reduction.  A player must compete from the tees they started from.  

Match Deadlines:       1st Match due on or before Friday, May 24

                                      2nd Match due on or before Friday, June 21

                                      3rd Match due on or before Friday, July 26

                                      4th Match due on or before Friday,Aug. 16

                                      5th Match due on or before Friday, Sept. 6

                                      Final Match due on or before Friday, Oct. 5

Tournament Portal GGID Password: DSGKGE

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to Oct 9

Ladies' President's Cup

Ladies' President's Cup

Entry Deadline:  Sunday, April 21st 

Fee:  HTF Eligible

Description:  This is a yearlong individual match play tournament using 100% of your handicap. The handicaps used will be your lowest handicap since April 21st.  The defending champion will receive the #1 seed. The remaining seeds will be determined by a blind draw. 

Match Deadlines:    1st Match due on or before Friday, May 31

                                      2nd Match due on or before Friday, July 5

                                      3rd Match due on or before Friday, Aug. 2

                                      4th Match due on or before Friday, Sept. 6

                                      Final Match due on or before Fri., Sept. 27

Tournament Portal GGID Password: KTYDPT

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to Sep 27

Men's Single Match Play

Men’s Singles Match Play  

Entry Deadline:          Sunday, April 21st 

Fee:                              HTF Eligible

Description:                This is a yearlong individual match play tournament where everyone will play from the gold tees with no handicap being used. The seeding for this event will based on a blind draw.    

Match Deadlines:       1st Match due on or before Friday, May 31

                                      2nd Match due on or before Friday, July 5

                                      3rd Match due on or before Friday, Aug. 2

                                      4th Match due on or before Friday, Sept. 6

                                      Final Match due on or before Friday, Sept. 27

Tournament Portal GGID Password: MAXWAJ

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to Sep 8

New for 2019! Men's Standard Club Tour Series (SC Tour)

New for 2019! Men’s Standard Club Tour Series (SC Tour)                                                            

Fee:  HTF Eligible

Description:  The golf committee is proud to announce a new tournament program designed to create excitement and competition for our members. The SC Tour will consist of 12 tournaments held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season. A list of dates is available on the link below. What’s a tour without majors? We will have 8 regular tour events and 4 majors. With the help of our Golf Genius software you will be able to keep track of leading money winners and weekly results. The new format will allow us to create a better tournament atmosphere by providing rule sheets, scorecards, and the ability to have larger daily purses to pay deeper in the field.  

Sign Up:  Call the golf shop to make your usual weekend tee time.

2019 SC Tour Schedule

Saturday, April 20 - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 (Blind Draw Partners)

Sunday, May 5 - Low Net Par 4s

Saturday, May 18 – Major -Stableford Net Points

Sunday, June 2 - Low Net Front, Back, Overall

Saturday, June 15 - Low Net Par 3s+5s

Sunday, June 30 – Major - Low Gross/Low Net

Saturday, July 13 - Low Net Par 4s

Sunday, July 21 - 1 Best Net Ball of 4 – Make your own team

Saturday, Aug. 3 – Major - Net Skins

Sunday, Aug. 18 - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 (Blind Draw Partners)

Saturday, Aug 31 - Stableford Net Points

Sunday, Sept. 8 – Major - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 – Make your own team

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9:00 AM09:00

Men's Opening Day Scramble

Men’s Opening Day Scramble        

Date:                            Sunday, April 14th

Time:                           8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:         Friday, April 12th

Fee:                              $10.00 Includes Continental Breakfast and Prizes (Cart Fee Not Included)

Description:                This unique four person format allows you to pick one teammate with the other two players being selected by blind draw. If you are a single the golf shop will find a team for you.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: JGQMFM

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6:00 PM18:00

Men's Wednesday Night Pick Up Game

Men’s Pick-Up Game

Date:                            April 10th – September 11th

Time:                           5:30 PM Free Clinic, 6:00 PM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:          Call the golf shop by 2:00 PM the day of to sign up.

Fee:                              $6.00 (Cart Fee Not Included)

Description:   All pairings will be done by blind draw.  This is a wonderful way to meet other members and enjoy some friendly competition.  There will be a year-long points list to determine overall winners.

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9:30 AM09:30

Ladies' Opening Day

Ladies’ Opening Day Scramble     

Date:                            Wednesday, April 10th

Time:                          9:30 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline:         Sunday, April 7th

Fee:                              Must be a ladies HTF Member - $5.00 Includes Juice and Fresh Fruit Breakfast and Prizes (Cart Fee Not Included)

Description:                9 Hole scramble for all ladies regardless of 9 or 18 Hole group. You must use at least one drive from each player.

Tournament Portal GGID Password: CBMZHE

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8:00 AM08:00

Standard Cup Matches

Date: Sunday, September 23rd

Time: 8:00 AM Shotgun Start

Entry Deadline: Qualifier only

Qualifying Dates: August 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26

Fee: $60 (Your fee will cover a lunch and a team shirt) Carts are not included.

Description: This event will pair two teams comprised of 12 players. Each team will have a Gold team and a Black team that will compete with no handicap from those respective tees. The event will be a one day 27 hole match play event. The Captains will decide which 6 players will play from the Black or Gold tees. The teams will be comprised of the low 18 players from the handicap list as of August 16th, and qualifiers that will compete for the low six gross scores from the black tees on the days listed. You can attempt to qualify as many of the days as you like. New this year we have added a draw party a week prior to the event to reveal the tournament pairings.

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8:00 AM08:00

Men's Closing Day

Date: Sunday, September 16th
Time: 8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Friday, September 14th
Fee: $10 Per Player Includes Continental Breakfast and Prizes (Cart Fee not included)
Description: Make your own foursome. Mystery Format

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to Aug 26

Men's Club Championship

Date: Saturday, August 25th & Sunday, August 26th
Time: Tee Times starting at 8:00 AM
Entry Deadline: Thursday, August 23rd
Fee: No Charge
Description: Flights are determined by dividing the entire field into four equal flights. This year all flight champions including the Championship flight will be determined by a two round stroke play total gross score. You must indicate at the time of sign up your interest in playing in the Championship Flight. Players with a handicap index of ? or lower are required to play in the Championship Flight.

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to Jul 29

Men's Member-Member

Date: Saturday-Sunday, July 28th & 29th
Time: 8:30 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Thursday, July 26th
Fee: $30 Per Player Includes Continental breakfast both days and prizes. (Cart not included)
Description: Groups are paired based on combined handicap index on Day One, and then paired based on the Day One standings for Day Two.

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to Jun 23

Men's Member-Guest

Date: Friday-Saturday, June 22nd & 23rd
Time: Friday - Practice Round make your own tee time, Saturday - 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Sunday, June 10th
Fee: $200 per team
Description: There will be two flights that will play 3 different formats of Scramble, Chapman Alternate Shot, and 1 Best Net of 2. There will be a shoot-out immediately following play to determine the overall winner. There will be a Bloody Mary bar to start the morning off with lunch following the first 9-hole round. Immediately following the shoot-out there will be a player’s dinner party in the clubhouse.  

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to Sep 30

Match Play Deadlines

Men’s President’s Cup

Entry Deadline: Sunday, April 22nd
Fee: HTF Eligible
Description: This is a yearlong individual match play tournament using 100% of your handicap. The handicaps used will be your lowest handicap since April 27th. The defending champion will receive the #1 seed. The remaining seeds will be determined by a blind draw.
Match Deadlines: 1st Match due on or before Monday, May 28th
2nd Match due on or before Tuesday, July 3rd
3rd Match due on or before Sunday, August 5th
4th Match due on or before Monday, Sept. 3rd
Final Match due on or before Sunday, Sept. 30th

Two-Man Match Play Championship

Entry Deadline: Sunday, April 22nd
Fee: HTF Eligible
Description: The seeding for the two-man match play tournament will be done by computer draw. The format for this event is Four-Ball (Best Ball of the twosome), using 90% of the handicap. You will play off the low handicap in your foursome. The handicaps used will be your lowest handicap since April 27th. Seniors will be allowed to play from the silver tee with the appropriate handicap reduction. A player must compete from the tees they started from.
Match Deadlines: 1st Match due on or before Monday, May 28th
2nd Match due on or before Tuesday, July 3rd
3rd Match due on or before Sunday, August 5th
4th Match due on or before Monday, Sept. 3rd
Final Match due on or before Sunday, Sept. 30th

Men’s Singles Match Play

Entry Deadline: Sunday, April 22nd
Fee: HTF Eligible
Description: This is a yearlong individual match play tournament where everyone will play from the gold tees with no handicap being used. The seeding for this event will based on a blind draw.
Match Deadlines: 1st Match due on or before Monday, May 28th
2nd Match due on or before Tuesday, July 3rd
3rd Match due on or before Sunday, August 5th
4th Match due on or before Monday, Sept. 3rd
Final Match due on or before Sunday, Sept. 30th

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9:30 AM09:30

Ladies' Opening Day

Date: Wednesday, April 18th
Time: 9:30 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Sunday, April 15th
Fee: Cart Fee Only
Description: 9 Hole scramble for all ladies regardless of 9 or 18 Hole group. You must use at least one drive from each player. Lunch immediately following play at Mojitos. Confirm with the golf shop if you are going to lunch. 

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8:00 AM08:00

Men's Opening Day

Date: Sunday, April 15th
Time: 8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Entry Deadline: Friday, April 13th
Fee: $10.00 Includes Continental Breakfast and Prizes (Cart Fee Not Included)
Description: This unique four-person format allows you to pick one teammate with the other two players being selected by blind draw. If you are a single the golf shop will find a team for you.

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