2019 Tuesday Night Two-Man Match Play Round Robin League
Deadline: Teams must sign up by 7:00 pm, Tuesday, April 30th by using the tournament portal below or calling the golf shop at 425-1141.
Format: Singles Match Play 100% of your front nine handicap stroked off the low player per match
Team 1 Player A vs Team 2 Player A = 1 point
Team 1 Player B vs Team 2 Player B = 1 point
If one team sweeps both matches they receive a bonus = 1 point
Total max points available per night = 3
The team with the highest point total at the completion of the round robin tournament will be declared the winner. If there is a tie for first there will be a straight alternate shot shootout to determine the winner. Head to head match results will determine ties for second and third place.
Teams: Teams will be comprised of a 3-man roster. The team must use 2 of the 3 men each week. Each team will be allowed 1 substitute player to participate in 2 of their matches during the season.
Tees: Players will play from the Black tees. Players 60-69 may play the Red tees and Seniors 70 and over have the option of playing from the Silver tees with a handicap reduction in accordance with the USGA.
Time: Tuesday, 6:00pm Shotgun Start – Opening Night, May 7 – Closing Night, August 13(This would allow for 15 matches or less depending on the number of teams that sign up. This allows for 2 ½ hours of daylight.)
Entry Fee: $120 per team – Includes shop credit for the winners and a year-end player’s cookout.
It is the responsibility of the teams to notify the golf shop which players will be representing their team by Sunday evening.
If a player is late to the tee he will lose each hole once his opponent has left the teeing area of the hole in question.
Tournament Portal GGID Password: AWRTWQ