New for 2019! Men’s Standard Club Tour Series (SC Tour)
Fee: HTF Eligible
Description: The golf committee is proud to announce a new tournament program designed to create excitement and competition for our members. The SC Tour will consist of 12 tournaments held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season. A list of dates is available on the link below. What’s a tour without majors? We will have 8 regular tour events and 4 majors. With the help of our Golf Genius software you will be able to keep track of leading money winners and weekly results. The new format will allow us to create a better tournament atmosphere by providing rule sheets, scorecards, and the ability to have larger daily purses to pay deeper in the field.
Sign Up: Call the golf shop to make your usual weekend tee time.
2019 SC Tour Schedule
Saturday, April 20 - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 (Blind Draw Partners)
Sunday, May 5 - Low Net Par 4s
Saturday, May 18 – Major -Stableford Net Points
Sunday, June 2 - Low Net Front, Back, Overall
Saturday, June 15 - Low Net Par 3s+5s
Sunday, June 30 – Major - Low Gross/Low Net
Saturday, July 13 - Low Net Par 4s
Sunday, July 21 - 1 Best Net Ball of 4 – Make your own team
Saturday, Aug. 3 – Major - Net Skins
Sunday, Aug. 18 - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 (Blind Draw Partners)
Saturday, Aug 31 - Stableford Net Points
Sunday, Sept. 8 – Major - 1 Best Net Ball of 2 – Make your own team