Policies for the Standard Club Ladies Golf Association
Proposed 11/28/2018
1. Committees
The President shall appoint committee chairs for the following committees:
Guest Day
Tournament (all play days except guest days)
The President will also appoint a representative to serve on the Standard Club golf committee.
All committee chairs shall work in conjunction with the General Manager.
2. Play Days
Play days are weekly tournaments that are generally held on Wednesday with no restriction to the time of day.
To be eligible for a prize, a 9 hole lady must play with at least one other 9 hole member and a 18 hole lady must play with at least one other 18 hole member. Pay outs will be based on the percentage of paying members in the 9 hole and 18 hole groups.
Scores for Birdies and Ringer board are counted for official play days only. The Ringer Board consists of a season long gross and net record of your lowest scores posted on each hole. The golf shop will track birdies and ringers.
All scorecards must be signed, attested, and turned into the golf shop immediately following your round.
Play day scores will be posted by the golf shop for your USGA handicap.
To be an official event the 18 hole ladies group must have 8 official scores turned in and the 9 hole ladies group must have 4 official scores turned in.
USGA rules govern all official play day events including all putts must be holed out.
3. Guest Days
Two teams will constitute the minimum number of teams needed to award 1st place prizes.
Four teams will constitute the minimum number of teams needed to award 2nd place prizes.
To be eligible for prizes, teams must tee off by 9:30am unless weather delays occur. The 8:30am – 9:30am times will be reserved for tournament play only; however, teams may tee off prior to 8:30am.
Teams must have 2 or more female guests to be eligible for prizes.
An additional fee may be charged for guest day entry as determined appropriate by the committee.
4. Hole in One
Members who choose to participate in the Association Hole in One club will pay $3 dues for the season. The hole in one must be made during the Association play day on Wednesday. If one or more members have a hole in one during the season, the funds will be divided among the winners and paid out at the end of the season. One person may win more than one share of the money. If there are no holes in one, the money will be carried over to the next season.
5. Ringers Chip-ins/Birdies/Eagles – 18 Holers / 9 Holers
Chip-Ins will be tabulated on a weekly basis by the golf shop. To be eligible you must pay a $1 fee to the golf shop prior to teeing off. A chip in is any shot holed from off the green. Ringer/Birdies/Eagles will be tabulated by the golf shop utilizing play day scores only. Prizes will be given for the largest total number of gross (no handicap) 18 Holers - birdie and eagles or 9 Holers birdies and pars made on play days during the Association season. The Ringer winners will consist of the lowest net and gross scores made on each hole by a player on play days only during the season. 1st place prize will be awarded in each category.
6. Club Championship
A medal play tournament to be held in the later part of the season for the 9 and 18 hole groups. The Club Champion is the golfer with the lowest gross(no handicap) score for 9 and 18 holes. The golfer with the lowest net score in each group will be awarded the low net winner. Additional flights may be added as needed.
7. President’s Cup
A season long match play event using 100% handicap at the time of each match.
8. Most Improved
To be eligible for this prize you must have posted at least 10 scores on play days.
To be eligible a second time, the player’s handicap must be lower than the handicap of the year she won.
The golf shop will determine this award using the USGA formula for most improved golfer.
For etiquette and rules of golf click on the links below: